NAS Vs. Direct Attached Storage (DAS)

November 03, 2022

NAS Vs. Direct Attached Storage (DAS)

Whether you're a budding photographer or a seasoned filmmaker, storing your precious data is of utmost importance. You can't afford to lose your data to a malfunctioning drive or a virus attack. That's why it's essential to invest in reliable storage technology. Two of the most popular options are NAS and DAS. In this post, we'll compare the two and help you choose the one that's right for you.


NAS, short for Network-attached storage, is a type of storage device that is connected to your local network. It connects to a router through an ethernet cable, and all devices on the network can access it. NAS is similar to a personal cloud that's dedicated to storing your data. You can connect to it via a web browser or a mobile app. You can even use it to stream media on your TV, smartphones, or tablets.

One of the biggest advantages of NAS is its versatility. It allows multiple devices on your network to have their data stored in centralized storage. NAS devices also offer a range of features, such as RAID configurations, multiple drives for increased redundancy, and the ability to scale storage as your needs grow.


DAS, or Direct Attached Storage, is a storage device that is directly connected to your computer, typically through a USB, Thunderbolt or SATA cable. DAS devices are often small and portable, making them ideal for on-the-go storage. They work best for people who need quick and easy access to their data and who don't need to share it with other devices.

The main advantage of DAS is its speed. Because the device is directly connected to your computer, there's no network latency or bottlenecking. This makes DAS ideal for activities such as video editing, where access speed is crucial.


While both NAS and DAS have their benefits, they're not created equal. NAS has the benefit of being accessible to all devices on your network, while DAS's direct connection ensures faster access to data for the connected device. In terms of storage capacity, NAS devices can offer up to 100TB, while DAS devices usually top out at 5TB. When it comes to cost, NAS devices tend to be more expensive than DAS options.

Feature NAS DAS
Accessibility All devices on the Network Direct connection to one device
Connectivity Ethernet cable USB, Thunderbolt, SATA cable
Storage capacity upto 100TB up to 5TB
RAID support Supported Not Supported
Redundancy Supported Not Supported
Cost More expensive Less expensive


The choice between NAS and DAS will depend on your specific needs. If you require access to your data from multiple devices, need redundancy, or want to share data between devices, a NAS may be the better option. On the other hand, if speed is paramount, you frequently work with large files, or you need portable storage, then DAS may be the better choice.

Remember to assess your specific needs before making a final decision, and always invest in a high-quality device from a reputable brand, as these devices will protect your data and last longer.

We hope that this comparison has helped you understand the differences between NAS and DAS, and that it assists you in making the right storage decision for your particular needs.


  1. NAS vs DAS: A Comparison Overview, MakeUseOf, Sep 9, 2021
  2. What is Network Attached Storage, IoT Tech Trends, August 8, 2022
  3. What is Direct-Attached Storage? Your Guide to DAS, PC Mag, August 12, 2022

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